
Closures are a very important part of JavaScript and are often misunderstood. Using Chrome DevTools can show you what is happening within a function, which may help you understand the process.

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Chrome Dev Tools Console Tips

The DevTools console in Chrome gives you an incredible amount of tools to help you, spending some time getting to know these tools will definitely make you a better developer.

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YouTube channels

As well as cat videos YouTube has an incredible amount of high-quality free web development videos. This a list of channels I subscribe to with all sorts of useful videos.

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Installing Jekyll on Windows 10

Jekyll on GitHub Pages does not require any local installation to use, you can just update the config files or blog posts in your git repository, and when you push to GitHub, it will do the Jekyll build for you. However, if you want to customise your Jekyll set-up, it will be a lot easier to do locally, and this will be a lot less risky for your live site!

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