More games and challenges

I recently discovered some new challenges sites that are worth investigating if you are looking for something to test your problem-solving skills.

Advent of Code

The Advent Of Code site, created by Eric Wastl is an advent calendar of coding puzzles released every day in December up to Christmas. You can solve the puzzles in any language you want, then enter the answer you generated to validate it. This is good practice for solving a variety of different puzzles, some of which have large datasets, so you need to consider performance when building your solution.

Return true to win

The Return True To Win site, create by @steike has a series of JavaScript challenges.

This can get very tricky - given a fixed function, find the shortest input you can use as arguments so that the function returns true. Good knowledge of JavaScript data types and type conversion will help you with this one, as well as the Abstract Equality Comparison

RegEx Golf

Another one from @steike, the RegEx Golf game challenges you to match a list of strings, without matching any of the second list of strings, Regular Expressions aren’t always popular, but these challenges can help you become more comfortable using them.

The Regex101 can be a good guide to solving these problems.


I’ll update the following gist as I submit more solutions to these challenges:

Also see previous post Games and Challenges for other JavaScript and CSS games.

Written on December 16, 2018